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Learning the way forward: Adapting St2eep’s planning, monitoring and evaluation process through Outcome Mapping

Steff Deprez, Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse, Kaia Ambrose

Summary: Planning, monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) within the Secondary Teacher Training Environmental Education Programme (St2eep) has evolved from being merely an accountability exercise to a structured, participatory and learning-oriented process. The journey to transform this process was facilitated by the use of Outcome Mapping at key stages of the program’s life cycle. St2eep’s own PM&E practice is strongly linked to thetheory upon which Outcome Mapping rests; it is characterized by participation, based on self-assessment and team learning, leading to a useful PM&E process for the actors involved. Through the adoption and adaptation of Outcome Mapping, the PM&E process has become embedded in the program management cycles and informs future planning. Outcome Mapping provided a useful framework to address the sustainability challenges of the program and to design capacity development processes with clarity about the roles of all the different actors involved.

Type: Case Studies

Theme: OM Resources: Examples of Use

Contibuted by: Simon Hearn, on: 11 Mar 2008

Downloads: 1432

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