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Sustainable Mekong Research Network (SUMERNET) Phase 3


Thailand, East Asia and Pacific  Show on interactive map

Active from:

Jan 2014 to Jun 2018

Implementing organisation(s):

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)



Contact persons:

Albert Salamanca, Agus Nugroho




The Sustainable Mekong Research Network (SUMERNET) helps to bridge science and policy by supporting policy-relevant research and outreach with partners working on sustainable development in the Mekong Region countries: Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam.

SUMERNET nourishes a growing community of researchers that aim to inform and influence the Mekong Region’s sustainable development through

1. Supporting credible, collaborative research
2. Catalysing independent discussions on key regional issues
3. Engaging with decision-makers

Objectives of the intervention:

To inform and influence sustainable development in the Mekong Region by supporting credible, collaborative research and regional assessment, stimulating independent discussions on key regional issues, and engaging with decision-makers and stakeholders to foster more effective and sustainable policies and programmes.

Why was OM chosen?

OM provides qualitative perspective of the results of our intervention and it monitors change of behaviour, as the programme targeted change of knowledge, attitude and practice

How was OM used?

We start using OM approach since project conceptualisation stage for constructing our Theory of Change. We identified the boundary partners and their progress markers. Upon granting by the funder, we develop Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) which is essentially a logical framework based on the outcome mapping approach. All indicators were designed to be used to justify the progress markers and qualitative means for data collection was listed as one of the means. We collect most significant change (MSC) stories to monitor changes on progress markers annually, and the results were reported along with the quantitative indicators.

What was the experience of using OM?

OM has enhanced our M&E framework to go beyond output, but enabled us to monitor the achievement of outcomes.


Comment from Duvor, Sampson K on 28/6/2024
Your work is inspiring! Keep it up.




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