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7 result(s) found.

Annexes to the paper: 'Analysing outcome mapping data-the case of VVOB Zimbabwe'' 669
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This file contains the annexes that are referred to in the paper: Analysing outcome mapping data, the case of the Quality Education and Vulnerability Programme (2008-20...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 06/01/2012

Analysis of OM data - VVOB Zimbabwe 2824
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This working paper describes the various steps involved in analysing and learning from OM monitoring data in the national ´teacher education and vulnerability&ac...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 25/11/2009

Teacher Education and Child Vulnerability Programme, VVOB Zimbabwe, Intentional Design 1209
Jan Van Ongevalle, Robert Chipimbi, Mquaphelisi Sibanda, Hanne Huysmans, Arne Willems

Summary: Overview of the intentional design developed during two outcome mapping workshops in 2007

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 08/06/2008

One pager strategy document VVOB 799
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This one page document outlines the various strategies and activities of VVOB's education and child vulnerability programme, realigned to the programme's intermediate r...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 28/05/2008

VVOB Zimbabwe programme outline diagram 591
Jan Van Ongevalle, Hanne Huysmans, Robert Chipimbi

Summary: This diagram visualises the intentional design of VVOB's education and child vulnerability programme (2008-2013) in Zimbabwe.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 28/05/2008

VVOB Zimbabwe operational planning framework 1060
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This draft document illustrates the full intentional design for the new VVOB Zimbabwe programme (2008-2013) which shows all the boundary partners and associated OCs, PM...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/09/2007

VVOB Zimbabwe country programme concept diagram 2008-2013 (integrating OM and LFA) 757
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This programme concept diagram gives an overview of the intentional design of the VVOB country programme focusing on teacher education and orphans and vulnerable childr...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 29/08/2007

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