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Final Report: Assessing the Value of Outcome Mapping in Strengthening AcT Partners

Melinda MacDonald, Michael Miner MA, Melinda MacDonald

Summary: This report assesses the value of Outcome Mapping in Strengthening AcT (Accountability in Tanzania Programme) partners Strategy Development, planning and Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation. AcT is a six year 31 million pound initiative whose purpose is to “increase the responsiveness and accountability of government to citizens, through a strengthened civil society.” Since 2009, the UK has supported 29 CSOs in Tanzania working through an intermediary fund manager KPMG.
This study is partly a continuation of two earlier assessments carried out for AcT by the Overseas Development Institute in March 2011 and April 2012 intended as initial inputs to inform and strengthen the approach being used by AcT to work with partners on Outcome Mapping. This final assessment was carried out by IBA Group external M&E consultants in October, 2014 with the objective “to examine the usefulness of the Outcome Mapping approach to CSOs planning, implementation of activities, monitoring and effectiveness with regard to achieving results in policy, power and practice.”

Type: Project Reports

Theme: OM Resources: Books and Articles

Contibuted by: Sana Shams, on: 15 Mar 2017

Downloads: 586

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