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42 result(s) found. Showing page 1 of 2.

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Outcome-Oriented Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning: Final Report from SADRI, the Southern Africa Drought Resilience Initiative 🔗
Richard Smith

Summary: This report describes the development, use, added value, challenges, and success factors of SADRI’s outcome-oriented monitoring approach. It is intended as a reso...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 15/09/2023

Guide de suivi-évaluation pour le volet plaidoyer du projet Loujna-Tounkaranké 2358
Jan Van Ongevalle, Hamadou Tcherno Boulama, Mamadou Konate, Ousmane Diarra, Moustapha Kebe; Aby Sarr, Amadou Mbow, Ibou Badiane, Myriam Tixier

Summary: This guide (in French) illustrates how elements of outcome mapping and outcome harvesting were used to develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation system by a net...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/09/2020

Applying outcome mapping to plan, monitor and evaluate policy influence 1581
Emily Balls

Summary: SHARE has applied outcome mapping as an approach to plan, monitor and evaluate its research into use work. Outcome mapping (OM) is an iterative approach to project plan...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 09/07/2018

Capacity development monitoring tool 528
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: A simple tool to monitor capacity development during a yearly reflection meeting between boundary partner and supporting organisation.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 24/08/2015

Gender-Indicator Design Process: Monitoring Gender Behavior Change in Agriculture Programs 🔗
Steff Deprez, Kaia Ambrose, Pranati Mohanraj, Emily Hillenbrand

Summary: This booklet describes the process of how CARE applied some key concepts of OM to evaluate pathways to empowerment and men's engagement in an agriculture program at mid...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 01/05/2015

Perencanaan dan Monitoring untuk Perubahan Perilaku: Pengalaman Gerakan Indonesia Mengajar dalam Menggunakan Outcome Mapping 10651

Summary: A paper in Indonesian (English version will follow) about Indonesia Mengajar (Indonesia Teaching Movement) experience using Outcome Mapping for planning and monitoring....

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 21/02/2015

Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse, Cristien Temmink, Maarse, Eugenia Boutylkova

Summary: During a collective action research that ran from 2010 till 2012, 10 NGOs (9 Dutch and one Belgian), together with their Southern partners, piloted various actor focuse...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 23/12/2014

Annex to Vision Nugget 253
Heidi Schaeffer

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 21/09/2014

Monitoring tools for the use of Outcome Mapping for capacity building and organisational development programmes 811
Chris Alford

Summary: The use of strategies/strategy journals and outcomes/outcome journals in combination with the logical framework for the M&E of capacity building and OD initiatives....

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 20/09/2014

Cases in Outcome Harvesting: Ten pilot experiences identify new learning from multi-stakeholder projects to improve results 4989
World Bank

Summary: Starting in 2012, the World Bank undertook pilot learning to explore how outcome harvesting tools might help project teams and clients to manage knowledge and learn fro...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 10/06/2014

The Outcome Mapping Usefulness Barometer 2122
Jan Van Ongevalle, Rafael Peels

Summary: This new research study from the OMLC reviews feedback from 43 people who have used OM to investigate how useful it has been, particularly for supporting complex projec...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 24/01/2014

Retrospective 'Outcome harvesting': Generating robust insights 🔗
Kornelia Rassmann, Richard Smith, John Mauremootoo, Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: This paper describes the use of the Outcome Harvesting approach to evaluate a global voluntary network. The paper discusses three aspects of evaluation practice: 1. ...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 16/04/2013

Customizing Outcome Mapping to an Inclusive Education pilot in Cambodia 878
Sander Schot

Summary: In 2010 Light for the World Netherlands together with its local partners Krousar Thmey and Association of the Blind in Cambodia started a pilot on Inclusive Education u...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 16/01/2013

Annexes to the paper: 'Analysing outcome mapping data-the case of VVOB Zimbabwe'' 669
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This file contains the annexes that are referred to in the paper: Analysing outcome mapping data, the case of the Quality Education and Vulnerability Programme (2008-20...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 06/01/2012

Outcome journal 739

Summary: An example of an outcome journal for monitoring a project in Indonesia.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 11/08/2010

An integrated reporting journal 879
Charles Warria

Summary: A combined reporting tool that merges the monitoring of progress markers, outcome challenges and log frame indicators.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 11/08/2010

Outcome journal 1738
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: an example of an outcome journal template

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 11/08/2010

Outcome journal 689
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: Another example of an outcome journal used by social change networks

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 11/08/2010

The Outcome Mapping Methodology on the evaluation of the Latin American Trade Network: Monitoring and Evaluating Research Outputs 🔗
Jorgelina Loza

Summary: The OM approach allows LATN to take account of the real changes favored by the network’s activities and research findings, and to identify the different kinds of ...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 22/04/2010

Analysis of OM data - VVOB Zimbabwe 2824
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This working paper describes the various steps involved in analysing and learning from OM monitoring data in the national ´teacher education and vulnerability&ac...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 25/11/2009

Supporting the boundary partners to participate in the monitoring process 630
Jan Van Ongevalle, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This document gives a detailed programme of a half-day workshop that is used in the VVOB programme in Zimbabwe to support its boundary partners to fill their outcome jo...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/05/2009

Design steps of the Planning, Learning & Accountability system (VECO Indonesia) 685
Steff Deprez

Summary: A diagram demonstrating how VECO Indonesia design their Planning, Learning & Accountability system.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 18/08/2008

Outputs, outcomes and impact 2832
Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: Four PowerPoint slides explaining the differences between the three basic types of OECD-DAC results from an Outcome Mapping perspective.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 25/06/2008

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan 7056
Jan Van Ongevalle, Robert Chipimbi, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Hanne Huysmans

Summary: Teacher Education and Child Vulnerability Programme Zimbabwe, 2008-2013. Informed by the Outcome Mapping Methodology (OM), the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) and Uti...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 11/06/2008

Teacher Education and Child Vulnerability Programme, VVOB Zimbabwe, Intentional Design 1208
Jan Van Ongevalle, Robert Chipimbi, Mquaphelisi Sibanda, Hanne Huysmans, Arne Willems

Summary: Overview of the intentional design developed during two outcome mapping workshops in 2007

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 08/06/2008

VVOB Zimbabwe programme outline diagram 591
Jan Van Ongevalle, Hanne Huysmans, Robert Chipimbi

Summary: This diagram visualises the intentional design of VVOB's education and child vulnerability programme (2008-2013) in Zimbabwe.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 28/05/2008

One pager strategy document VVOB 799
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This one page document outlines the various strategies and activities of VVOB's education and child vulnerability programme, realigned to the programme's intermediate r...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 28/05/2008

Sofía Méndez, Natalia Ortiz, Markus Gottsbacher

Summary: A chapter from a book about the 2002-2007 “Honduras Learning Systems Development” Initiative.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 03/03/2008

VECO Indonesia programme framework (OM-LFA) 1077
Steff Deprez

Summary: Visual presentation of the new VECO Indonesia programme framework/logic design OM & LFA

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 18/09/2007

VVOB Zimbabwe operational planning framework 1060
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This draft document illustrates the full intentional design for the new VVOB Zimbabwe programme (2008-2013) which shows all the boundary partners and associated OCs, PM...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/09/2007

OM-LFA planning per result area 1017
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This document illustrates four examples of matrices (still under development) that filter intormation from the overall OM intentional design document of the VVOB Zimbab...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/09/2007

Evaluation Framework for YCDO 727
Nick Moraitis, Terri Willard

Summary: From 2002-2004, the Youth Creating Digital Opportunities (YCDO) coalition sought to realize the potential of young people as leaders in using information and communicat...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/09/2007

VVOB Zimbabwe country programme concept diagram 2008-2013 (integrating OM and LFA) 757
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This programme concept diagram gives an overview of the intentional design of the VVOB country programme focusing on teacher education and orphans and vulnerable childr...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 29/08/2007

A Workbook to Support Strategic Coastal Planning and Implementation in the Netherlands 865
Stephen Bloye Olsen

Summary: This workbook draws upon a series of work sessions with colleagues at the Dutch Institute for Coastal and Marine Management (RIKZ) that began in 2002...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 15/05/2006

SchoolNet Namibia Model 2263
Uys du Buisson, Chris Morris

Summary: SchoolNet Namibia has developed a model for the empowerment of students through the Internet which needs to be analysed to determine what the key success factors were...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 15/05/2006

CPRN Outcome Mapping Table 848
Caroline Pestieau

Summary: Looking at CPRN’s Objectives through the Outcome Mapping Lens (table).

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 15/05/2006

Can Outcome Mapping help in assessing the contribution of policy research? 1082
Caroline Pestieau

Summary: Article on applying OM to policy research.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 15/05/2006

Constructing collaborative learning: OM and its Multiple Uses in the Project Cycle of a SUB Initiative 4340
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: Outcome Mapping has gone beyond a monitoring and evaluation exercise in the Ceja Andina project. It has provided a space for social learning among strategic project pa...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 15/05/2006

Outcome Mapping in NEPED 1368
Raj Verma

Summary: NEPED was one of the first projects to field test OM. This was towards the end of the first phase when OM was used as a tool for self-assessment and for collecting/ org...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 15/05/2006

Syllabus for Colorado State University Course 'Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation' 1678

Summary: Syllabus for University course which uses OM as a key text.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 12/05/2006

NEPED Self Assessment 4589

Summary: Workshop report summarising a self-assessment which employed the OM methodology.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 12/05/2006

Program Framework for Research On International Tobacco Control Secretariat 665

Summary: Summary of OM approach to RITC program.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 12/05/2006

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