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Mentoring and Monitoring – How to Build a Reporters’ Network Using the Outcome Mapping Framework

Jan Lublinski, Nadia el-Awady

Summary: In this paper we report on the first experience – to the knowledge of the authors – using the Outcome Mapping approach in media development. This approach consists of a participatory, flexible methodology that helps to build a culture of learning into projects. We have adapted Outcome Mapping to the needs of SjCOOP (Science Journalism Cooperative), a mentoring programme that builds an international network of journalists who specialize in reporting on health, environment, science and technology. SjCOOP supports individual as well as organisational relationships of journalists in developing countries using a blending of strategies including a dedicated web-based technology. With this overview of the project and of our ongoing monitoring activities we make the case that Outcome Mapping can be used in many other projects in the field of media development.
This paper was presented at a Symposion entitled "Measuring Change - Planning, Montoring and Evaluation in Media and Development Cooperation" in Bad Honnef, in 2007. A book with all the conference papers is also available on this website under the name of the Symposion.

Type: Articles / Papers

Theme: OM Resources: Examples of Use

Contibuted by: Jan Lublinski, on: 18 Feb 2008

Downloads: 2542

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