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Outcome Harvesting evaluation OIKKO (Unity): Bangladesh

Richard Smith, Humaira Aziz and Joe Sutcliffe

Summary: OIKKO (Unity in Bangla) was a 3 year project (March 2015 – February 2018) delivered by CARE Bangladesh with support from CARE Austria, with funding from the European Union and the Austrian Development Agency. The overall objective of the project was: a strong and united civil society promotes the implementation of fundamental labour rights in the ready-made garment (RMG) sector in Bangladesh.

This was an internal evaluation in which CARE personnel were supported by an external evaluator. OM concepts were applied using Outcome Harvesting. The main primary sources of data were garment workers, organisers of worker self-help groups and trade union officials.

Type: Evaluation Reports

Theme: OM Resources: Examples of Use

Contibuted by: Richard Smith, on: 7 Oct 2019

Downloads: 338

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