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Outcomes evaluation of the global Child Protection in Crisis Network 2008-2011 using Outcome Harvesting and a Network Functions Approach

Kornelia Rassmann, Richard Smith, John Mauremootoo

Summary: An outcomes evaluation commissioned by Oak Foundation employing Outcome Harvesting to examine the achievements of the Child Protection in Crisis (CPC) Network’s first phase 2008 to 2011. The purpose of the evaluation was i) to assess the results of the network in relation to the extent to which structural and process changes did or do facilitate learning; ii) examine the findings with respect to the network's influence on child protection policy and practice; iii) cast a spotlight on the network's standing within the child protection landscape; and iv) contribute to organizational learning through the participatory evaluation process.

Type: Evaluation Reports

Theme: OM Resources: Examples of Use

Contibuted by: Kornelia Rassmann, on: 7 Jun 2012

Downloads: 1756

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