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Towards a Learning Centred Planning and Monitoring system for capacity development - The case of World Solidarity’s Social Movements Programme

Jan Van Ongevalle, Uzziel Twagilimana, van durme patrick

Summary: This case study tells the story of World Solidarity, a Belgian NGO who, together with its partner organisations across different continents, used elements of outcome mapping to monitor processes of capacity development. The case describes how the complex reality of working through social movements is better served by an actor focused monitoring system that promotes learning and builds relationships among programme partners. The case highlights how such monitoring system requires a considerable shift in practice that becomes more oriented towards learning about unpredictable results as compared to the more administrative management of predetermined result frameworks.

Type: Articles / Papers

Theme: OM Resources: Examples of Use

Contibuted by: Jan Van Ongevalle, on: 28 Nov 2012

Downloads: 1100

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