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Simon Hearn

Simon Hearn


: London, United Kingdom ( Show location on map)

Job title

: Independent consultant

Consultant profile

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About my consultancy services

I am an independent consultant supporting clients to develop systems for monitoring and evaluating research impact, policy influence and advocacy. I specialise in Outcome Mapping and have been the coordinator the Outcome Mapping Learning Community since 2007. I was previously a Research Fellow with the Research and Policy in Development programme at the Overseas Development Institute and coauthor of the RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach: a guide to policy engagement and influence. I have written extensively on areas including monitoring and learning, impact evaluation, knowledge management, online communities, networks and coalitions. I was a founder member of the BetterEvaluation initiative and led several evaluation capacity building activities.

OM experience

I have been coordinator of the OMLC since 2007. I have facilitated numerous OM training workshops in UK, US, South Africa, Ghana, Tanzania, India, Nepal, Mozambique, Madagascar, Finland, Belgium, Thailand. I have published case studies on the use of OM and have conducted research on the use of OM.

Interest in OM

Very interested in the use of OM as a tool for knowledge sharing and learning, and for planning and monitoring policy engagement. Currently the OMLC Coordinator.


Outcome Mapping training and consultancy, monitoring and evaluation, Outcome Harvesting, strategic policy influencing, web design, online facilitation, very hard sums.

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Member since

: Friday 08 June 2007

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