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Assessing Systems Change: A Funders’ Workshop Report

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Summary: In August 2019, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) co-hosted a 3-day workshop in response to great interest in deeply exploring the question of how to monitor and evaluate systems change, since this is different from assessing a specific project, program, or grant. The workshop was led by outstanding, thoughtful experts on evaluation of systems change – Margaret (Meg) Hargreaves, Glenn Page, and Zenda Ofir.

To synthesize the concepts covered during the workshop, the report is organized as follows:
1. Seeing Systems Change
2. Facilitating Systems Change
3. Assessing Systems Change
4. Developing Philanthropic Capacity for Assessing Systems Change
5. Calls to Action

Type: Workshop Reports

Theme: Evaluation and Research Methodologies

Contibuted by: Simon Hearn, on: 15 Jan 2020

Downloads: 473

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