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57 result(s) found. Showing page 1 of 3.

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Outcome Mapping journals with Google Forms 383
Kaia Ambrose, Simon Hearn

Summary: Slides used in an OMLC webinar in July 2020.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 14/07/2020

Outcome Mapping journals with Google Forms 🔗
Kaia Ambrose, Simon Hearn, Richard Smith

Summary: Recording of an OMLC webinar - July 2020. The primary monitoring tools in Outcome Mapping are journals. There are journals to record the activities and outputs you p...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 14/07/2020

Outcome monitoring and learning in large multi-stakeholder research programmes: lessons from PRISE 816
Tiina Pasanen, Kaia Ambrose, Samavia Batool, Lancelot Ehode Soumelong, Robina Abuya, Helen Mountfort, Nathalie Nathe, Lana Frado

Summary: The Pathways to Resilience in Semi-arid Economies (PRISE) programme used Outcome Mapping to capture changes in stakeholders’ behaviour and actions around researc...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 14/12/2018

Discussion Summary: Setting up an OM System: Q&A 173
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: This discussion summary presents community feedback regarding three questions related to challenges in data collection and analysis during OM implementation in pro...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 03/05/2018

Terre Des Hommes experience using OM 111
karin van den belt

Type: Presentations

Shared: 22/12/2016

The PRISE OM monitoring system 169
Kaia Ambrose, Tiina Pasanen, Soumelong Ehode Lancelot

Type: Presentations

Shared: 13/12/2016

Measuring gender equality change in the PATHWAYS program 479
Pranati Mojaranj

Type: Presentations

Shared: 12/12/2016

Overview of OM 145
Kate Dyer

Type: Presentations

Shared: 12/12/2016

Monitoring examples in OM 114
Jeph Mathias

Type: Presentations

Shared: 12/12/2016

OM exercises / worksheets 198
Kaia Ambrose

Type: OM Training Materials

Shared: 12/12/2016

Notes on OM in evaluation 124
Richard Smith, Jeph Mathias

Type: Workshop Exercise Materials

Shared: 12/12/2016

Formulating Outcomes in Outcome Harvesting - Dos and Don'ts 0
Goele Scheers

Type: OM Training Materials

Shared: 12/12/2016

Pillars of M&E 103
Kaia Ambrose

Type: OM Training Materials

Shared: 12/12/2016

OM and Data Analysis 254
Jan Van Ongevalle, Steff Deprez

Type: Presentations

Shared: 12/12/2016

Intro to OM 143
Kaia Ambrose, Kate Dyer

Type: Presentations

Shared: 12/12/2016

Guidance Note: PRISE Progress Marker Monitoring for Stakeholder Engagement 575
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: Guidance for Research Teams on how to monitor Progress Markers

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 14/10/2016

Outcome Mapping Monitoring overview 360
Kaia Ambrose

Type: Presentations

Shared: 14/10/2016

Visualizing the OM system 277

Type: Photographs

Shared: 14/10/2016

OM Technical Courses 2016 662
Kaia Ambrose, Simon Hearn

Summary: The OM Technical Courses 2016 offer workshops for people who are brand new to OM as well as those who wish to refine and dig deeper into their OM knowledge and skills. ...

Type: Pamphlets

Shared: 19/09/2016

Gender-Indicator Design Process: Monitoring Gender Behavior Change in Agriculture Programs 🔗
Steff Deprez, Kaia Ambrose, Pranati Mohanraj, Emily Hillenbrand

Summary: This booklet describes the process of how CARE applied some key concepts of OM to evaluate pathways to empowerment and men's engagement in an agriculture program at mid...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 01/05/2015

Webinar recording: Launching the OM Practitioner Guide 🔗
Simon Hearn, Kaia Ambrose, Steff Deprez

Summary: Kaia Ambrose and Steff Deprez introduce the new Outcome Mapping Practitioner Guide. See the guide in action, learn what you can find there, hear why it was developed an...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 18/11/2014

CARE Pathways Program's Use of Outcome Mapping to Understand Empowerment 🔗
Kaia Ambrose, Emily Hillenbrand

Summary: This webinar was co-hosted by CARE and the Outcome Mapping Learning Community. The panel shared many lessons that have cross-cutting relevance for Monitoring Evaluation...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 18/11/2014

Use of Outcome Mapping to Understand Empowerment 🔗
Kaia Ambrose, Emily Hillenbrand

Summary: The presentation given at the CARE / OMLC hosted webinar in October 2014. The presentation focusses on the use of OM in the CARE Pathways Program. CARE’s approac...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 18/11/2014

OM Lab 2014: Outcome Mapping and Monitoring slides 503
Kaia Ambrose, Steff Deprez

Summary: Slides from Day 1 and 2 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Outcome Mapping and Monitoring.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 16/10/2014

When is Outcome Mapping not suitable? 2695
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: A poster from the OM Lab 2014 which demonstrates the use of a simple diagnostic tool to decide to what extent OM will be suitable to apply in a situation.

Type: Poster

Shared: 09/10/2014

Rolling Profiles 693
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: A simple tool to collect qualitative interviews across time and tag them to Progress Markers.

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 23/09/2014

Annex to Vision Nugget 253
Heidi Schaeffer

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 21/09/2014

Introduction to OM for evaluators: One day workshop 1110
Kaia Ambrose, Simon Hearn

Summary: The slides from a one day workshop given at the American Evaluation Association conference in Washington DC, October 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 11/06/2014

M&E and OM: Monitoring Design 860
Kaia Ambrose, Steff Deprez

Summary: The first of two slide sets for a one day workshop on M&E and OM at the OM Master-Class, Brussels, Belgium, March 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 04/04/2013

M&E and OM: Monitoring Practice 569
Kaia Ambrose, Steff Deprez

Summary: The second of two sets of slides for a one day workshop on M&E and OM at the OM Master-Class, Brussels, Belgium, March 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 04/04/2013

The use of Outcome Mapping for value chain development programmes 🔗
Steff Deprez, Kaia Ambrose, Simon Hearn

Summary: Operating in 8 regions and 15 countries, the Belgian NGO Vredeseilanden aims to contribute to viable livelihoods for organised family farmers through improved income fr...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 28/11/2012

Engendering Change Mid-Term Learning Review presentation 356
Kaia Ambrose, Laura Haylock

Summary: This is a presentation given at the American Evaluation Association annual conference 2012 in a session on the use of OM in evaluation in complex situations. It describ...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 08/11/2012

Mid-Term Evaluation of "Engendering Change Program" Oxfam Canada 🔗
Kaia Ambrose, Terry Smutylo, Kevin Kelpin

Summary: At the strategic mid-point of the Engendering Change program, Oxfam Canada identified the need to engage in a dynamic reflective exercise to more systematically capture...

Type: Evaluation Reports

Shared: 26/10/2012

Webinar recording: 10 years of Outcome Mapping applications and support 🔗
Simon Hearn, Kaia Ambrose, Richard Smith

Summary: A recording of a webinar given in September 2012. Richard Smith and John Mauremootoo present their study looking at where and how OM is being used and the level of supp...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 02/10/2012

Video: Ten years of Outcome Mapping: A shared driver’s seat 🔗
Sarah Earl, Kaia Ambrose, Beatrice Briggs, And other participants at the OM Lab 2012

Summary: In February 2012, 50 people came together in Beirut, Lebanon to share experiences and learn about Outcome Mapping. The event was called the OM Lab and this video was pr...

Type: Video

Shared: 31/07/2012

Positioning for Change: Using Outcome Mapping to guide institutional change within a Regional Development Bank 717
Kaia Ambrose, Fred Carden, Sarah Earl

Summary: In early 2000, a Regional Development Bank developed an internal organizational practice of structures, systems and processes. The proposed change process gained suppor...

Type: Case Studies

Shared: 21/06/2012

OM Lab report brief 1258
Kaia Ambrose, Terry Smutylo, Simon Hearn

Summary: In February 2012, the OMLC hosted the OM Lab 2012, the first event of its kind to bring together OM practitioners to share and document experiences. This report brief p...

Type: Workshop Reports

Shared: 26/05/2012

OMLC Webinar 1: The fish soup development story 🔗
Jan Van Ongevalle, Kaia Ambrose, Many other community members, Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: This first webinar from the OM community features Ricardo Wilson-Grau presenting his famous Fish soup development story. Other guests include Jan Van Ongevalle and Kaia...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 17/12/2010

A brief introduction to the usefulness of Outcome Mapping for assessing impact 743
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: A short presentation given by Kaia Ambrose at the 'OM meets Seval' meeting in Bern, Switzerland, 15 April 2010. The presentation introduces OM in the context of assessi...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 05/05/2010

Cuaderno de Mapeo de Alcances 909
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: Una guía para la facilitación - primer borrador presentado en la 2da Conferencia de Mapeo de Alcances, Montevideo, 2009

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 26/11/2009

OM ideas 2: Considerations for learning-oriented Monitoring and Evaluation with Outcome Mapping 2396
Kaia Ambrose, Huib Huyse

Summary: Outcome Mapping (OM) was developed both as a planning and a monitoring tool. And while it has been used successfully for both purposes, this brief focuses on OM as a mo...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 06/07/2009

Guiding notes for facilitators: helping to sketch out an M and E system 1376
Kaia Ambrose, Huib Huyse

Summary: Chapter 4 in the Outcome Mapping (OM) manual describes outcome and performance monitoring and leads users / facilitators through several exercises coinciding with steps...

Type: Facilitation Guides

Shared: 06/07/2009

OM ideas 1: A conceptual fusion of the logical framework approach and outcome mapping 4949
Daniel Roduner, Kaia Ambrose

Summary: This paper describes the rational for and the process of creating a fusion model incorporating OM and LFA. This is the output of an OMLC funded small-scale research gra...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 19/06/2009

Checklist: OM / LFA Fusion 887
Daniel Roduner, Kaia Ambrose

Summary: A practical tool for project teams to use before implementing OM, to decide which methodological appraoch to use: OM, LFA or a fusion of the two. This document was prod...

Type: Checklists

Shared: 19/06/2009

Aristotle and Plato at it again? Philosophical divergence within international aid project design and monitoring and evaluation 1721
Paul Crawford, David Kelly, Cynthia Mitchell, Paul Bryce

Summary: International aid projects are broadly concerned with fostering change. Frequently, the ‘theory of change’ within an aid project is communicated using Logi...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 02/09/2008

Proyecto Ceja Andina, Estudio de Caso de Ecuador 2163
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: La Corporación Ecopar implementó el prouyecto de conservación junto con sus socios directos (municipalidades, asociaciones de granjeros, escuelas r...

Type: Case Study Reports

Shared: 04/08/2008

OM: Frequently Asked Questions 2322
Kaia Ambrose, Sarah Earl, Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This highlight brief is intended to provide individuals, groups or organizations a summary of some of the most common questions asked about outcome mapping. The questio...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 11/03/2008

Learning the way forward: Adapting St2eep’s planning, monitoring and evaluation process through Outcome Mapping 1416
Steff Deprez, Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse

Summary: Planning, monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) within the Secondary Teacher Training Environmental Education Programme (St2eep) has evolved from being merely an account...

Type: Case Studies

Shared: 11/03/2008

Colombo workshop 1 464
Kaia Ambrose, Sanjini De Silva

Summary: Participants discuss monitoring and evaluation systems, processes and tools using a knowledge sharing approach ("World Cafe")

Type: Images

Shared: 13/10/2006

Colombo Workshop 2 495
Kaia Ambrose, Sanjini De Silva

Summary: Participants discuss boundary partners

Type: Images

Shared: 13/10/2006

Colombo workshop 3 524
Kaia Ambrose, Sanjini De Silva

Summary: Participants play the "Are you my boundary partner?" game!

Type: Images

Shared: 13/10/2006

Colombo workshop 4 703
Kaia Ambrose, Sanjini De Silva

Summary: The facilitators have a tea break!

Type: Images

Shared: 13/10/2006

Knowledge Exchange Visualisation 904
Kaia Ambrose, Ben Ramalingam

Summary: This is a representation of some of the rich and diverse connections we could make within our community. Whilst this is a fun little visualization, it also serves to re...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 17/07/2006

Circles of Influence 1780

Summary: I've found this document useful for providing background to the concept of spheres of influence (where projects can actually exercise influence and contribute to result...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 15/06/2006

Constructing collaborative learning: OM and its Multiple Uses in the Project Cycle of a SUB Initiative 4340
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: Outcome Mapping has gone beyond a monitoring and evaluation exercise in the Ceja Andina project. It has provided a space for social learning among strategic project pa...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 15/05/2006

Introduction to an integrated PME System 744
Kaia Ambrose

Summary: Example of the use of OM in Ecuador.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 15/05/2006

Introduction to OM Presentation 987
Kaia Ambrose

Type: Presentations

Shared: 15/05/2006

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