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Learning to adapt & adapting to learn - Using elements of outcome mapping in a resilience programme 825
Jan Van Ongevalle, Ana Kvintradze; Gaël Rennesson; David Miller

Summary: This learning paper highlights how elements of outcome mapping were used by Save the Children Sweden in a project (2018-2020) that supports adolescents, affected by the...

Type: Case Studies

Shared: 02/06/2021

Elena Briones Alonso; Nadia Molenaers; Saartje Vandenbroecke; Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This practical guide aims at supporting organisations who seek to integrate and operationalize the sustainable development goals (SDGs) within their development program...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 15/04/2021

Guide de suivi-évaluation pour le volet plaidoyer du projet Loujna-Tounkaranké 2446
Jan Van Ongevalle, Hamadou Tcherno Boulama, Mamadou Konate, Ousmane Diarra, Moustapha Kebe; Aby Sarr, Amadou Mbow, Ibou Badiane, Myriam Tixier

Summary: This guide (in French) illustrates how elements of outcome mapping and outcome harvesting were used to develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation system by a net...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/09/2020

GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION - How to measure and improve the impact 1156
Jan Van Ongevalle, FRAME, VOICE REPORT! project team in CISU

Summary: This guide presents 4 methods and tools that can help organisations set up an easy-to-use monitoring system for learning about the effects of global citizenship educati...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 02/09/2020

Learning about impact - Results of a learning trajectory on monitoring and evaluation 439
Jan Van Ongevalle, Janssens Bert

Summary: This publication describes the results of a collaborative action learning trajectory (2014-2016) in which 8 Flemish municipalities together with their partners from the...

Type: Case Studies

Shared: 14/12/2018

Using outcome mapping to monitor social change in Rwanda. A case study of Frère des Hommes. 1307
Jan Van Ongevalle, Caroline Kientz (Frère des Hommes), Violaine Chantrel (Frère des Hommes), Estelle Bergerard (Frère des Hommes)

Summary: This case study seeks to share the experiences and lessons learned of the French NGO 'Frères des Hommes' in their experimentation with outcome mapping as actor-...

Type: Case Studies

Shared: 15/11/2017

OM and Data Analysis 262
Jan Van Ongevalle, Steff Deprez

Type: Presentations

Shared: 12/12/2016

Capacity development monitoring tool 534
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: A simple tool to monitor capacity development during a yearly reflection meeting between boundary partner and supporting organisation.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 24/08/2015

Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse, Cristien Temmink, Maarse, Eugenia Boutylkova

Summary: During a collective action research that ran from 2010 till 2012, 10 NGOs (9 Dutch and one Belgian), together with their Southern partners, piloted various actor focuse...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 23/12/2014

OM Lab 2014: Introduction to Outcome Mapping slides 496
Jan Van Ongevalle, Heidi Schaeffer, Ziad Moussa

Summary: Slides from the Day 1 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Introduction to Outcome Mapping

Type: Presentations

Shared: 16/10/2014

OM Lab 2014: Advanced Intentional Design slides 282
Jan Van Ongevalle, Heidi Schaeffer, Ziad Moussa

Summary: Slides from the Day 2 workshop at the OM Lab 2014: Advanced Intentional Design

Type: Presentations

Shared: 16/10/2014

More or less global citizenship - When measuring becomes learning! 🔗
Jan Van Ongevalle, Christine Carabain

Summary: This report presents the results of an action research in which four Dutch organisations active in promoting global citizenship experimented with qualitative research m...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 29/09/2014

Learning about the effects of development education programmes: Towards a learning centred monitoring and evaluation practice 795
Jan Van Ongevalle, Benedicte Fonteneau

Summary: This paper reports on the results of an action research project (2010-2013) in which ten Belgian organisations who implement development education programmes explored d...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 16/06/2014

The Outcome Mapping Usefulness Barometer 2140
Jan Van Ongevalle, Rafael Peels

Summary: This new research study from the OMLC reviews feedback from 43 people who have used OM to investigate how useful it has been, particularly for supporting complex projec...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 24/01/2014

OM ideas 9: The value of using Outcome Mapping in complex scenarios 1679
Jan Van Ongevalle, Rafael Peels

Summary: Taking advantage of the growth in organisations and programmes implementing Outcome Mapping, the Outcome Mapping Learning Community commissioned a study to explore to w...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 24/01/2014

Women and Violence Programme in Colombia - Cordaid Case Study 549
Margreet Houdijk, Natalia Ortiz, Rens Rutten

Summary: This document gathers the experiences of the Women and Violence Programme in Colombia in exploring innovative M&E systems based on qualitative methodologies such as...

Type: Case Studies

Shared: 07/08/2013

OM usefulness barometer web-survey questionnaire (HIVA 2013) 368
Jan Van Ongevalle, Raf Peels

Summary: This document contains the full web-survey questionnaire that was used during the OM usefulness study carried out by HIVA. Other organisations might find this tool usef...

Type: Others

Shared: 16/04/2013

Outcome Mapping: from alternative to mainstream? 368
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: Slides from Jan Van Ongevalle's keynote address at the OM Master-Class in Brussels, Belgium, March 2013.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 04/04/2013

A survey of Government Policy for the planning, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes (2010) 460
Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse,

Summary: This paper provides an overview (carried out in 2010) of government policy in Belgium and the Netherlands for planning, monitoring, and evaluation (PME) within the sect...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 07/02/2013

Dealing with complexity through actor focused PME 2737
Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse, Cristien Temmink , Maarse, Eugenia Boutylkova

Summary: This paper constitutes the final report of a three-year (2010-2012) action research where 10 NGOs piloted various planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME) approaches i...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 18/12/2012

Webinar recording: What is the value of Outcome Mapping 🔗
Jan Van Ongevalle, Steff Deprez, Simon Hearn

Summary: During this webinar, the results of the Outcome Mapping usefulness study are presented and discussed. This study, commissioned by the Outcome Mapping Learning Community...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 15/12/2012

Towards a Learning Centred Planning and Monitoring system for capacity development - The case of World Solidarity’s Social Movements Programme 1111
Jan Van Ongevalle, Uzziel Twagilimana, van durme patrick

Summary: This case study tells the story of World Solidarity, a Belgian NGO who, together with its partner organisations across different continents, used elements of outcome ma...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 28/11/2012

Frequently Asked Questions on the research component of the PSO thematic Learning Programme PME for Complex Change 789
Huib Huyse, Cristien Temmink, Maarse, Eugenia Boutylkova

Summary: This internal work document was written in support of the action research process in the Thematic Learning Programme of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation for Complex P...

Type: How To Guides

Shared: 16/10/2012

Annexes to the paper: 'Analysing outcome mapping data-the case of VVOB Zimbabwe'' 670
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This file contains the annexes that are referred to in the paper: Analysing outcome mapping data, the case of the Quality Education and Vulnerability Programme (2008-20...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 06/01/2012

Dealing with complex reality in planning, monitoring and evaluation - Choosing the most suitable approach for a specific context 2426
Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse

Summary: - The first part of this paper unpacks a number of practical challenges related to PME and formulates an analytical framework to assess the suitability of a PME approac...

Type: Literature Surveys

Shared: 21/07/2011

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of complex processes of social change. Towards a diverse PME approach 2761
Jan Van Ongevalle, Maarse

Summary: This paper shares the first results of an ongoing collaborative action research whereby , ten development organizations joined hands to explore a diverse mix of PME app...

Type: Research Reports

Shared: 24/06/2011

Learning about the effectiveness of public support programmes for development cooperation - Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation through reflective practice 1018
Jan Van Ongevalle, Bert Wallyn, Stefaan Bonte, Sam Geerts

Summary: This article narrates the first results of an ongoing action research around monitoring and learning about the effects of programmes that seek to strengthen public supp...

Type: Research Reports

Shared: 16/03/2011

Towards a complexity oriented monitoring and evaluation practice? A thematic learning programme with 12 Dutch NGOs 367
Huib Huyse, Jan Van Ongevalle, Anneke Maarsen, Maria Cristina Temmink

Summary: A presentation about a M&E learning project.

Type: Presentations

Shared: 22/12/2010

OMLC Webinar 1: The fish soup development story 🔗
Jan Van Ongevalle, Kaia Ambrose, Many other community members, Ricardo Wilson-Grau

Summary: This first webinar from the OM community features Ricardo Wilson-Grau presenting his famous Fish soup development story. Other guests include Jan Van Ongevalle and Kaia...

Type: Webinar

Shared: 17/12/2010

Outcome Mapping and Logical Framework: a community discussion August 2010 2691
Jan Van Ongevalle, Simon Hearn

Summary: A map of responses and discussion around the question: It can be very tempting to pick and choose specific parts of Outcome Mapping you want to use to compliment t...

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 16/09/2010

Power vs Empower related to LFA vs OM 607
weeraboon wisartsakul

Type: Presentations

Shared: 29/08/2010

LFA simplified model for facilitating ownership of the programme's vision 570
sauve boulet stephane

Type: Presentations

Shared: 29/08/2010

Discusssion Summary Outcome Mapping & Logical Framework Analysis (part 2) 693
Jan Van Ongevalle, Simon Hearn

Summary: summary of the discussion from 16-20 Aug 2010

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 20/08/2010

Discussion summary OM and LFA April-July 2010 3331
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: Summary of discussion thread on outcome mapping and logical frameworks analysis held from April to July 2010.

Type: OM Discussion summary

Shared: 16/08/2010

Analysis of OM data - VVOB Zimbabwe 2834
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This working paper describes the various steps involved in analysing and learning from OM monitoring data in the national ´teacher education and vulnerability&ac...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 25/11/2009

Making Outcome Mapping Work: Innovations in Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 12367
Simon Hearn, Heidi Schaeffer, Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This book represents the experiences and knowledge shared by the community members between the period Jan – Dec 2007. It has taken the combined effort of a number...

Type: Books

Shared: 06/10/2009

Supporting the boundary partners to participate in the monitoring process 636
Jan Van Ongevalle, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This document gives a detailed programme of a half-day workshop that is used in the VVOB programme in Zimbabwe to support its boundary partners to fill their outcome jo...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/05/2009

Monitoring for impact in a programme’s sphere of influence – a case study of the ´quality education and vulnerability programme´ in Zimbabwe 1563
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This paper describes our experiences with integrating outcome mapping and logical framework in the VVOB Zimbabwe programme: ´Quality Education and Vulnerability P...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 08/04/2009

Monitoring for impact in a programme’s sphere of influence – a case study of the ´quality education and vulnerability programme´ in Zimbabwe 794
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: Presentation on how OM and LFA form an integrated planning, monitoring and evaluation system in the VVOB Zimbabwe programme, ´Quality Education and Vulnerability ...

Type: Presentations

Shared: 08/04/2009

communicating complexity using a baseline 1180
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This one-page summary describes the approach and lessons learned from using a baseline study to communicate the complexity of a programme to its partners. Outcome mappi...

Type: Lessons Learned Summaries

Shared: 30/01/2009

Summary of baseline results for the ´quality education & vulnerability´ program 794
Jan Van Ongevalle, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Chipimbi Robert

Summary: This powerpoint gives a summary of the results of a baseline study for the ´quality education and vulnerability programme in Zimbabwe. Presenting these results to...

Type: Lessons Learned Summaries

Shared: 30/01/2009

Huib Huyse, Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This research has analysed monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities based on the Outcome Mapping (OM) methodology within the St2eep project, an education for sust...

Type: Conference Papers

Shared: 11/08/2008

Baseline instruments for Teacher Education and Child Vulnerability Programme (2008-2013) 720
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: Within the new Ministry of Higher Education and VVOB cooperation programme (2008-2013) we will use an outcome journal to track changes over time in the programme’...

Type: Others

Shared: 11/06/2008

Making the intentional design more practical 1125
Jan Van Ongevalle, Robert, Mqaphelisi Sibanda

Summary: Categorising progress markers and realigning strategy maps. Teacher Education and Child Vulnerability Programme (2008-2013) – VVOB Zimbabwe.

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 11/06/2008

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan 7075
Jan Van Ongevalle, Robert Chipimbi, Mqaphelisi Sibanda, Hanne Huysmans

Summary: Teacher Education and Child Vulnerability Programme Zimbabwe, 2008-2013. Informed by the Outcome Mapping Methodology (OM), the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) and Uti...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 11/06/2008

Strategy Journal 769
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: Teacher Education and Child Vulnerability Programme Zimbabwe, 2008-2013

Type: Others

Shared: 11/06/2008

Outcome Journal 803
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: Teacher Education and Child Vulnerability Programme Zimbabwe, 2008-2013. This spreadsheet presents the journals for each of the boundary partners as seperate worksheets.

Type: Others

Shared: 11/06/2008

Teacher Education and Child Vulnerability Programme, VVOB Zimbabwe, Intentional Design 1221
Jan Van Ongevalle, Robert Chipimbi, Mquaphelisi Sibanda, Hanne Huysmans, Arne Willems

Summary: Overview of the intentional design developed during two outcome mapping workshops in 2007

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 08/06/2008

One pager strategy document VVOB 802
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This one page document outlines the various strategies and activities of VVOB's education and child vulnerability programme, realigned to the programme's intermediate r...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 28/05/2008

VVOB Zimbabwe programme outline diagram 593
Jan Van Ongevalle, Hanne Huysmans, Robert Chipimbi

Summary: This diagram visualises the intentional design of VVOB's education and child vulnerability programme (2008-2013) in Zimbabwe.

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 28/05/2008

M and E plan of 5-day life skills training for teachers in Zimbabwe 1445
Jan Van Ongevalle, Elizabeth Chikwana; Alvord Sithole

Summary: This resource outlines the M and E plan for a five-day life skills training for teachers in Zimbabwe. A set of progress markers was developed to facilitate the monitori...

Type: Others

Shared: 08/05/2008

OM: Frequently Asked Questions 2353
Kaia Ambrose, Sarah Earl, Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This highlight brief is intended to provide individuals, groups or organizations a summary of some of the most common questions asked about outcome mapping. The questio...

Type: Articles / Papers

Shared: 11/03/2008

Learning the way forward: Adapting St2eep’s planning, monitoring and evaluation process through Outcome Mapping 1438
Steff Deprez, Jan Van Ongevalle, Huib Huyse

Summary: Planning, monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) within the Secondary Teacher Training Environmental Education Programme (St2eep) has evolved from being merely an account...

Type: Case Studies

Shared: 11/03/2008

VVOB Zimbabwe operational planning framework 1071
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This draft document illustrates the full intentional design for the new VVOB Zimbabwe programme (2008-2013) which shows all the boundary partners and associated OCs, PM...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/09/2007

OM-LFA planning per result area 1024
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This document illustrates four examples of matrices (still under development) that filter intormation from the overall OM intentional design document of the VVOB Zimbab...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 14/09/2007

VVOB Zimbabwe country programme concept diagram 2008-2013 (integrating OM and LFA) 767
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This programme concept diagram gives an overview of the intentional design of the VVOB country programme focusing on teacher education and orphans and vulnerable childr...

Type: OM Process Documentation

Shared: 29/08/2007

St2eep monitoring instrument 904
Jan Van Ongevalle

Summary: This monitoring instrument helps to collect the monitoring data in the St2eep programme. This information is then used as basis for discussion during the progress monit...

Type: Unpublished Documents

Shared: 29/11/2006

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